Friday, July 12, 2013

New Moon Planting

The new moon just passed us on July 8th (although for us in Hawaii it was late night on July 7th). With each new and/or full moon, this little family chooses to plant things in the ground. The new moon gives us the opportunity to begin again. Planting seeds or transferring small starts during these grounded times of possibility sends a message to the Earth that we are giving back to her. An offering of love, kindness, commitment and discipline. Asking also to please provide nourishment for us as well as for our community. In return for this food, we commit to caring for her as best we can.

This new moon specifically brings reminders to listen to ourselves, honor our feelings, and give attention to what needs tending. I was recently reminded that feelings cannot be right or wrong. Feelings simply reveal the truth about yourself and your life. Listening to our emotions, our thoughts, and our reactions are actually tools given to us so that we can move past and let go of old things that do not serve us. This same listening can also be related to the plants that we just transferred. As subtle as it may seem, they are speaking to us very loudly, asking that we help give them what they need to survive. 

Whether it is to hear our emotions or one of the infinite aspects of nature, listening asks us to find subtlety and quiet, and this takes discipline. So each day we wake, say good morning to the nursery and tend to our garden with love and hard work. A lot of hard work.

Happy New Beginnings!

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